
Origin and Meaning of Rhoswen

The Celtic girl’s name Rhoswen is Welsh in origin. Given the status of Rhoswen’s popularity, it would not be surprising if you have not heard of it.

The meaning of Rhoswen is primarily “rose”, specifically “white rose”. Other meanings such as “fair”, “faith” and “blessed” could also be applied. The name is similar in sound to other Welsh girl names such as Bronwen and Rhiannon, but much less known. , when it is used, it is mainly found in English speaking countries.

Popularity of Rhoswen

In 2014, Rhoswen was not present in the top 100 baby girls’ name (in Wales).

Pet forms of the Name

Shortened versions of the name might be “Ros”, “Winnie”, “Rose” or “Rosie”. Although many people have never heard of this name, some might find it a refreshing change from the more common girl names. When you consider the fact that the very first thing you give your child is not a toy, not a bed or an article of clothing, but a name; why not make it a unique one?

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh names on our website.

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