
Meaning of the name Manod

The girls name Manod is one that is steeped very well in the history of Wales. The meaning of Manod is one that is very broad. It describes a person that is well educated and one that is very philosophical and creative. One that prevails and stands above all the rest. Philosophy and creativity is certainly a word that can describe someone from Wales for sure.

Famous People and Places Called Manod

The name Manod can be found all over Wales. Some of the famous figures and places that are associated with Manod include mountains such as Manod Mawr in Gwenedd. Several famous authors from Wales have included Manod in their writings and they are ones such as John Marius Wilson and John Bartholomew. The books they were known for writing include Manod, Llyn y Manod and Llyn Manod.

Popularity of the Name

The popularity of Manod as a girls name is one that has seen a decline over the past several years. Manod though is still one that has a deep history in the country of Wales.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh girls’ names.

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