
Meaning of the Name Glesni

The meaning of Glesni is blue or blueness. It is such a pretty name with a unique meaning, and it has been used as the name of a Welsh shop, and also used for the Dyfi Osprey Project.

Popularity of the Name

The name Glesni is one that is not heard too often, as it is not one of the most popular names in Wales.

It did not make the top 100 most popular list in 2015, but the popularity of name does not matter nearly as much as what the name sounds like and means.

How to Pronounce the name Glesni

Some might wonder how to pronounce Glesni, and there is a simple answer to that. The name is pronounced ‘Gless-nee’, and it sounds really pretty when it is said out loud.


Just because the name is not all that popular doesn’t mean that it is not a great name. The way that this name is spelled and pronounced makes it the perfect pretty name for any young girl.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh girls’ names on our website.

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